
Species in Focus: Salamanders

Species in Focus: Salamanders
Note: Salamanders should never be handled with bare hands as skin oils and even soap residues will damage them. The three salamanders covered in this article have an aquatic stage in their development and are considered mole salamanders as opposed to woodland or Plethodontid which breath through their skin. Yellow Spotted Salamander Yellow-spotted salamanders are our largest species of salamander. They are readily recognizable by their black colour and pattern of bright yellow or orange spots. They reach a length of 20 cm (8 in.). The head, body and tail are dark grey to blue-black. Their belly and sides are lighter blue-grey. Along the back, tail, sides, head, and legs are two uneven rows of up to 54 bright yellow spots. These salamanders range over much of North America. Deciduous and mixed forests are the preferred habitat, especially those located…
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